So I got a new camera for my birthday. Super exciting. My old point and shoot finally died so my hubby got me a shiny new Cannon Rebel T3! Yay!!! Haven't used it for much so far except shooting some photos of my jewelry.
Today though, I noticed there were some new blooms on my day lillies out in the front yard (and some more buds as well!). This is a big deal. You must understand. I've been known to kill cacti. Cacti mind you. I don't even know how... So yeah, super awesome. So I decided that that was a perfect reason to pull out my camera and play around a bit. Above is the result. Zero editing, straight from the camera. I think for starters that's pretty good, don't you? :D
I'm hoping to make this a new start for this blog. I know I've restarted a bazillion times already... And I can't promise this wont turn out like the previous times. I always have trouble coming up with something to write about. But I really want to explore more with my camera and I have some personal exploring to do as well. So perhaps we can squeeze a couple posts out of this, yes?
Fingers crossed.