
Hello, my name is...

Dear People of Blogland,

Hi my name is Lindsey, and I'm a slacker. I meant to post sooooo many times but life outside the internets always seemed to get in the way! lol 

So, UPDATE! We are now officially past the halfway point of our 30 day challenge! I am so proud of how well everyone is doing and it makes me positively giddy how wonderful and supportive you all are being of each other. I love it when events bring together wonderful people from all facets of my life to make the web of awesomeness even stronger!

As far as me personally, I'm feeling much stronger. I don't know that there's much visible difference but I definitely feel it. My posture is about a million times better and my back pain is receding wonderfully. My planks are much better than they've been in years which makes me super happy because that means my arms and core are coming along nicely. I'm still not able to do my headstand away from the support of the wall, but I can go up every time I try. Lesson learned though:dog must be outside when I do this. She decided one day that when I was inverted and helpless was a really good time to insert her cold wet nose directly between my poor exposed ribs. Needless to say... I fell. Lol.

(Loki, my silly puppymonster, thinks she is a cat... how innocent they both look...)

In other news, I'm finding the official launch of Sunnyshine Studios to be rather slow going. Hubby has been on TDY and I thought I could get SOOOOO much done without him home. Turns out the whole "making your own schedule" thing is harder than it sounds. Now that I'm home so much more it always seems like there are 5,000 other things that need to be done. Between that, all of the wonderful life events happening in my friendfamily, and class, I haven't gotten very far yet :(. I am, however, determined to have my first batch of merchandise up within the next couple days. Anyone out there own their own business and have any tips for a beginner???

Speaking of life events, we had to say a very sad goodbye today. One of my very good friends left this afternoon for a 365 deployment in Afghanistan. He will be in our thoughts all year long as we await his safe return. I never truly understood before I became a military spouse exactly how much is sacrificed for what we have. I suppose there is no way to really understand unless you live it. It has been an amazingly eye opening experience that I wouldn't trade for the world. It takes a very special kind of person do what they do with the dedication they posses. So to our dear friend, my husband, all of our friends and family that serve, and all service members worldwide, I'd just like to take a moment to thank you for all you do. You are wonderful. You are appreciated. And you are loved.

On that note, ladies and gents, its getting a bit late and I still haven't done my yoga yet today!!! I bid you adieu and leave you with this little bit of sunshine:



It's easy once you know how it's done

Ok guys, this is gonna be a quick one. Just wanted to check in with a short update.

It is Day 3 of my 30 day yoga challenge... Day 1: Jazzed to start. Day 2: Amazing. Day 3: Didn't go quite as well. To explain, here is the culmination of day 2:

Sorry for the blurry pic. My husband's photography skillz are legendary. Anyhoo, if you read my first post about embarking on this crazy mission, my goal for this whole endeavor was to be able to do a headstand. The first day I was too scared to try it. Surely I wasn't ready yet. But day 2 I decided "hey, I might as well try it to see where I'm starting from." I figured I could at least work on the setup but before I knew it... My feet flew up over my head! It felt so natural! I couldn't believe I'd done it! I was so excited I couldn't even settle down into Shavasana after this. I ran out, grabbed my husband, handed him the camera and threw my feet up there again. Granted, it's no where near perfected. There is no way I could do it without the door's support at this point. But to say the least, I may have over done on day 2.

Hence, today I woke up feeling stiff an achy. Took it kinda easy today. Mostly just stretching really deeply to work out all the kinks. And while I'm feeling better in the omg-I'm-moving-like-a-robot department, I'm kinda a little bummed that I couldn't work it as hard today. But I guess that's just part of the whole process. Learning to listen to your body and knowing what you can do and what you need to do. And, Scarlett O'hara style- "Tomorrow is another day!" And day 3 brings us to 10% completion of the Challenge! Lol. Its all about baby steps and mini goals.

Looking forward though, my aunt sent me a video to check out and I have to say, this chick looks pretty kick butt. If you're looking for an intensive core strengthening yoga routine-check her out! I know I will be!

In other news, my husband promoted this weekend!!! Yay!!! So ridiculously proud of him and evrything he's accomplished in the past few years. So, between that and me finally being done with my last job, we have been celebrating this whole holiday weekend. And it has been glorious! This next week will be my first in the world of Self-employment and I'm so excited! I'll be putting the finishing touches on my newly redone office (pics to come!) and building up all my different locals on the social media scene! Hoping to have some merch up by the end of the week!

So stay tuned for more excitement and to everyone joining me on this 30 Days of Craziness: Keep rockin!!!
